
Leonard Latzman was Memorial Day Parade grand marshal


Leonard Latzman, commander of the Jewish War Veterans Post 709, was honored to be the grand marshal of the Memorial Day Parade.

Lenny Latzman was inducted into the U.S. Army at Camp Upton during World War II. He was then sent to Elgin, Illinois where he performed instrument repairs. Lenny completed his basic training at Texarkana, Texas. Before he was shipped overseas, he married Shirley, his childhood sweetheart.

Lenny’s company landed in the European Theatre in September 1943. His company checked all of the artillery that went into the field. Lenny checked the officers’ watches that were part of their equipment. He was discharged in 1944.

He went to work in the family jewelry store and worked as a watchmaker. A few years later he became a G.I.A. Certified Gemologist. Lenny joined the Fraternal Order of the Knights of Pythias and created a program delivering free packages of food to needy families during the holidays. He was presented with the highest Order of the Knights of Pythias – the SIR AWARD. They also visited children in hospitals and presented them with toys and books. The success of their charity program helped to create a foundation that is thriving today.

When Lenny and his family moved to East Meadow, he joined the Jewish War Veterans. With the help of his organizations, he continues his charitable work by helping veterans in hospitals to take part in religious services.

Lenny, with the assistance of the members of his organizations, still assists needy families in the area with food packages. He is truly a kind and generous individual and his leadership and continued service to our veterans and to our community are to be commended. Lenny and Shirley are extremely proud of their family and their six grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.

We are proud to salute you Lenny!