Letters to the Rockville Centre Herald Jan 5, 2012


Help the unemployed

To the Editor:

It is every American’s responsibility to see that every man or woman who wants a job gets a job. As an American who has always fought for justice in our country and the world, it behooves me to write this letter. Who else is in a better position than Speaker of the House John Boehner to pressure those who feel that personal profit is more important than our American brotherhood? He has failed to stop the despicable conduct of both parties in the House.

I’m fighting for the little people in America who don’t seem to matter anymore.

We have a monumental number of unemployed in our country, a number so large that it is staggering. These are the forgotten ones, the people who don’t bring in large incomes, who in fact have no incomes at all — the forgotten masses. Can we in all good conscience not help these people? Are taxes, stock profits and big business more important than one human being? I thought we had a government for the people and by the people!

How can we not act now? It is a time to forget politics. We must do the right thing! Someone who can’t support a home and can’t feed his family and doesn’t want a handout, who only wants to retain his dignity by bringing in an income … he wants a job! Can’t we as a nation provide him with one by having a work program? President Franklin Roosevelt brought our country out of the Great Depression by putting people to work with New Deal government programs that included the WPA (Works Progress Administration) and the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps). What’s wrong with a starting point like this?

Whatever it is, it must be now. We can’t wait for politicians to bicker any longer. We must act now! It is a disgrace to the world that our politicians can’t get together and chart our course in the right direction.

Olive Ellner

Rockville Centre