Local incumbents returned, Skelos re-elected, but Democrats take Senate majority

      Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy (D-Mineola), Congressman Peter King (R-Seaford), GOP state senators Kemp Hannon, Charles Fuschillo, Jr., Dean Skelos, Democratic state Sen. Craig Johnson, Assembly incumbent Republicans Robert Barra, Rob Walker, Thomas McKevitt, David McDonough and Thomas Alfano and Democrat Assembly members Harvey Weisenberg and Earlene Hooper were all re-elected on Tuesday.
      State Proposition 1, benefiting veterans, passed overwhelmingly.
      County Proposition 2, making the county assessor position an appointive rather than an elective office, passed with 53.4 percent of the vote.
      While Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos garnered 65 percent of the vote over his Democratic rival, Roy Simon of West Hempstead, Skelos will be returning to the Senate next year neither as majority leader nor even in the majority party.
      Going into Election Day, the GOP was the majority party in the state Senate by two votes, 31 to 29. Incumbent Republican state Sen. Caesar Trunzo lost to Democratic challenger Brian Foley in Suffolk County, and incumbent Republican Serph Maltese lost to Democrat Joseph Addabbo, Jr. in Queens. The loss of those two seats moves the Republicans to the minority in the senate. Democrats already control the Assembly and the governor's office. Other Long Island incumbent Republican senators, such as Charles Fuschillo, Kemp Hannon and the North Shore's Carl Marcellino, will also now be in the senate's minority party.
      "Today, New Yorkers made history, electing a Democratic Majority to the State Senate for the first time in nearly 40 years," said Senate Democratic Leader Malcolm Smith on Election night. "Today, change begins. There is much at stake for New York families and we are committed to delivering for the people of this great state without the excessive partisanship that has stalled progress in Albany. We will rebuild New York's economy, protect middle income families, get New York working again, and make government more accountable."
Vote tallies for Herald coverage areas
      Unofficial results from the Nassau County Board of Elections are as follows:

The Nassau County vote for president/vice president:
Obama Biden (D): 316,523
McCain Palin (R): 272,765

Congress, 3rd District:
King (R): 127,394
Long (D): 70,818

Congress, 4th District:
McCarthy (D): 153,320
Martins (R): 87,239

State Senate 6th District:
Hannon (R): 56,880
McElroy (D): 53,524

State Senate 7th District:
Johnson (D): 63,470
Donno (R): 49,050

State Senate 8th District:
Fuschillo (R): 64,045
Gordon (D): 36,419

State Senate 9th District:
Skelos (R): 77,221
Simon (D): 42,127

Assembly 14th District:
Barra (R): 29,276
Ferrara (D): 21,799

Assembly 15th District:
Walker (R): 28,999
Ovadia (D): 19,191

Assembly 17th District:
McKevitt (R): 30,282
Pinto (D): 21,898

Assembly 18th District:
Hooper (D): 30,092
Bryant (R): 4,243
Conyers (W): 913

Assembly 19th District:
McDonough (R): 31,460
Kudler (D): 19,142

Assembly 20th District:
Weisenberg (D): 31,965
McGinty (R): 16,457

Assembly 21st District:
Alfano (R): 29,580
Smilowitz (D): 18,032

State Proposition 1:
Yes: 148,461
No: 45,155

County Proposition 2:
Yes: 89,963
No: 78,438