
Lynbrook firefighters deliver cheer

Travel to Bethesda to help heal their wounds


In addition to putting out fires and racing to rescues, the volunteers of the Lynbrook Fire Department raise money each year for the Nassau County Firefighters-Operation Wounded Warriors program in preparation for the firefighters’ annual trip to Bethesda, Md.

At 5: 30 a.m. last Friday, five LFD members and village Trustee Hilary Becker headed south to hand out gifts and holiday cards to military personnel at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Department members have made the trip in each of the past five years.

A first visit to Walter Reed, said former Chief Kevin Bien, can be eye-opening. “It makes you appreciate everything you have in life,” he said. “A lot of times, people are quick to complain about things that aren’t going well in their personal lives … but when you see what these guys have been through and what they’ll be going through for the rest of their lives, it’s a reality check.” Bein, who has been on all five trips to Bethesda, said he likes showing the wounded servicemen that their sacrifices are appreciated and have not been forgotten.

Seeing young men with missing limbs is a moving experience, former Capt. Steve Grogan said. Through all their tribulations, he said, they always seem to have a positive outlook.

“We were seeing 21- and 22-year-old Marines and soldiers missing an arm and leg in their bed,” Grogan said. “But if you didn’t know they were injured, if you didn’t see that they had no leg or no arm, the expressions on their faces were as if there was nothing wrong. They have the greatest attitude.”

According to Grogan, the LFD raised about $20,000 this year for the Wounded Warriors program through various events, including a benefit concert and softball games. There are 41 Nassau County fire departments affiliated with the program that have raised money for the cause, and the LFD was one of five to send members to Walter Reed last week. Members of other local departments made trips to Fort Bragg and Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina last week to deliver gifts and cards.

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