Michael Bower and Michael Wustrow to be honored by the RVC Guild for the Arts


Michael Bower and Michael Wustrow, Co-directors of the Music Ministry at St. Agnes Parish, will be the special honorees at the First Annual RVC Guild for the Arts Gala “Celebrate the Music.” The dinner and reception will be held at the Atlantic Beach Club in Atlantic Beach. 

The GFA recognizes Bower and Wustrow for their work in the community in music education and for offering great vocal and instrumental performances at St. Agnes Cathedral. Co-Chairs Joan MacNaughton and Wayne Lipton are happy to honor these two men who have been involved with the Guild for the Arts for more than a decade, collaborating with the South Shore Symphony each year in performances with the various choirs and the organ, played by Michael Bower. 

The Gala is a fundraiser for the Guild for the Arts and helps support its performances and activities. The mission of the GFA is to promote the Arts in Rockville Centre and has been doing so for more than 30 years. The South Shore Symphony, led by Music Director Scott Jackson Wiley and President Wayne Lipton, has been a part of the GFA for 22 years. This year’s performance with the voices of St. Agnes will be on June 1, 2014 when the Symphony will present Mahler’s Symphony No.2 (“The Resurrection”) with the mixed choirs and the magnificent organ at St. Agnes Cathedral. 

The Gala is a Black-tie invited Dinner and Cocktails. Tickets are $175 per person. For more information to come honor these two musicians and the Guild, please call Joan MacNaughton at 516 317-1159.


Michael Bower

Upon graduation from Westminster Choir College, Princeton, in 1985, Michael Bower was appointed Associate Director of Music for St. Agnes Cathedral.  At this time, he assisted Christoph Tietze in the development of a professional music program, including multiple choirs. He founded the Cathedral Girls Choir and trained the probationer group of the Boys Choir.

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