Molloy College ranks 5th nationally in starting salaries for recent grads


A ranking of starting salaries for recent graduates put Molloy College in 5th place nationally — just four spots behind the top-ranked Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Molloy graduates received an average starting salary of $64,000 in the annual PayScale College Salary Report.

Graduates of the State University of New York Maritime College, for instance, make a beginning salary of $57,300 which is higher than all the Ivy League schools except the University of Pennsylvania. It ties with SUNY Maritime.

 Graduates of Missouri University of Science and Technology, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology enjoy higher salaries than graduates of Duke, Johns Hopkins University and Amherst.

Molloy’s recent alumni made almost as much as recent graduates from Loma Linda College. Both schools, which offer majors in the health sciences, produce graduates who earn higher starting wages than recent graduates of UCLA, Stanford and the University of Notre Dame.

“This is exciting news for Molloy,” said Ken Young, director of Marketing/Public Relations for the college. “Our academic programs are not only producing jobs, but they are well-paying jobs.”

PayScale is an online provider of compensation information that is submitted by people who want to compare their pay with others in the field.