Oceanside student proud and happy


“It all started when I learned my Grandpa Joe had a heart attack after World War II,” Matthew Perez recounted, “He died before I was born, but my mother told me stories about him, and how hard it was (after he died) for her mom. I thought about all soldiers coming back from the war now, some lost a limb and could not find jobs, could not provide for their families. Then I attended an assembly at school where I learned about community service. That was when I decided to find a way to help returning soldiers provide for the holidays.”

The 12-year-old Oceanside Middle School student enlisted the help of Vice Principal Daniel Keegan and his parents, Adrienne and Albert Perez. Matthew designed flyers asking for canned vegetable donations. They were handed out at school and in the neighborhood. Collection boxes were placed at school and at home, and “Veggies for Veterans” was born.

On Nov. 24 the Nassau County Veterans Service Agency, United Veterans Organization, County Executive Ed Mangano and volunteers from many service organizations hosted a Winter Stand Down at the Freeport Armory. There, along with other veteran service providers, stood a very proud and happy Matthew Perez, handing out the 307 cans of vegetables he had collected.

Veterans were offered free food, haircuts, medical screenings, as well as assistance in securing benefits, job counseling, and legal advice. 

“They let me help with the clothing in the back,” Matthew said, “then I worked at the table handing out the cans. It made me very happy to meet the recipients”

Matthew had his picture taken with the veterans and Mangano; he was interviewed by several news outlets, and found the whole experience “exciting”. He concluded “In a way when I help others I am only helping myself, because I learn so much.”