Valley Stream Education News

School year 2024: Valley Stream District 13 orients new hires


Valley Stream District 13 kicked off its new school year with a robust new teacher orientation. The event, hosted at James A. Dever Elementary School, aimed to ensure a successful start to the academic year by providing new and probationary faculty with essential insights and tools.

The day began with a warm welcome from Lorraine Radice, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, who provided an overview of Valley Stream District 13 and its commitment to educational excellence. New hires were introduced to key members of the leadership team, including representatives from Human Resources, Special Services, and Instructional Technology. The day’s activities included community-building exercises designed to foster collaboration and camaraderie among the new staff.

On the second day, the focus shifted to faculty in their four-year probationary period. Participants engaged in targeted professional development workshops tailored to their specific roles. The sessions covered a range of topics essential for their success, including introductions to instructional programs, personalizing learning through small group instruction, social-emotional learning, goal setting and reflection, and effective lesson planning. The day also featured community-building activities to strengthen relationships among the cohort.

The final day of orientation continued with faculty in their four-year probationary period. The day’s agenda included community-building activities and goal-setting sessions, providing an opportunity for faculty to establish clear objectives for the year ahead. A key component of the day was individual meetings with their respective principals, fostering a deeper understanding of school-specific expectations and support structures.