Herald Schools

South Side Middle School 'challenges' its students to end bullying


In its ongoing program to educate the whole student and challenge teens to choose wisely, South Side Middle School hosted Challenge Day on Nov. 8, 9 and 10 to bring awareness of bullying and its consequences to its 8th grade students.

Challenge Day is presented by a non-profit organization of teachers and researchers who have served more than 1 million youths throughout the U.S. since 1987. Its goal is to help teens accept the wide range of differences among people, as facilitators demonstrate the possibility of tolerance and acceptance. According to Assistant Principal Rosemarie Cammarata, the program was designed to address bullying head on and help establish a safe and healthy environment in the school.

South Side Middle School also hosted "Ryan's Day" on Tuesday with presenter John Halligan making three separate appearances to urge both students and parents to get involved and prevent the cyber bullying that ultimately caused his 8th grade son to commit suicide.