Valley Stream school zone cameras hit the streets

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“Everyone top to bottom involved with the project says they are doing it to help keep kids safe, and that’s great, but I think there are better things we can do. The first line of defense should be a crossing guard or some other type of school or local official should be running the show…If our intention really is to keep kids safe then let’s do that, but think about how we’re doing it and wonder if there isn’t a better way, even if it costs more or doesn’t bring in any revenue,” Grasso said.

Seltzer agreed that the cameras are only one part of the safety equation. “Speed cameras are definitely one way to keep our kids safer, so I’m fine with them taking revenue from it, but I don’t think they are the only way. We need more code enforcement, more crossing guards or police officers, in order to really help keep our kids safe,” she said.

Fare said the village will consider additional options. “The bottom line in this whole equation is student safety. We’ll look at the results of what we’ve done so far and see how it’s worked, and then try new ideas. We are willing to try everything.”

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