Wantagh 9/11 ceremony

American Legion Post remembers 13 members of the community who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks


The Wantagh American Legion’s annual Patriot Day Ceremony, in remembrance of those who lost their lives in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, is this Sunday, September 9, 2018 at 10 AM.

The time was incorrect in this week’s edition of the Wantagh and Seaford Herald-Citizens.

The remembrance and wreath laying ceremony takes place at American Legion Post 1273, which is located at 3484 Park Avenue., according to John Sottnik, Third Vice Commander of the Post.

Families of those who perished and local dignitaries have been invited.

Thirteen members of the Wantagh community were lost on 9/11.

1.Richard Aceto

2.Joseph Mistrulli

3.Charles W. Magee

4.Frank J. Sadocha

5.Brian McAleese

6.Robert Sliwak

7.Michael Tarrou

8.Lee Fehling, FDNY/American Legion

9.Gary R. Box, FDNY

10.Dennis M. Carey, FDNY

11.Kevin J. Donnelly, FDNY

12.Brian G. McDonnell, NYPD

13.Paul Talty, NYPD

For more information, call John Sottnik at 917-681-4050 or email sottnik@verizon.net.