Wantagh honors the fallen for Memorial Day

American Legion Post 1273 leads parade, ceremony


Wantagh residents commemorated Memorial Day with a parade and several ceremonies to honor those who served and died for our country.

Wantagh American Legion Post 1273 began their parade at 10 a.m. from the Wantagh Middle School, leading several groups, such as the Wantagh High School band and local scouts, down Wantagh Avenue to their hall. The parade passed the Wantagh Preservation Society's field of honor, where 24 hours prior, another ceremony was held to honor the fallen.

After the parade, Ken Kelly, the commander of the Wantagh American Legion, led a ceremony that featured a reading from one of their essay contest winners Emma Alexander.

"I will remember those who fought and die so that we can be free," she read, emphasizing what she saw, heard, thought and remembered on this day.