Seaford High School junior becomes a published scientist


Seaford High School junior Madison Elias has been studying the great pond snail extensively during her three years in the science research program. Now scientists across the world could read her work, which was recently published in the Journal of Emerging Investigators.

The online magazine is dedicated to publishing research by middle school and high school students. Elias’s study, “Can Green Tea Alleviate the Effects of Stress Related to Learning and Long-Term Memory in the Great Pond Snail,” was featured on the homepage of the Journal’s website after it was posted on Jan. 30.

Elias said the seven-page article was based on her science research that she conducted as a sophomore. She submitted it in August at the urging of science research program consultant Richard Kurtz. It was accepted in early November, which began the editorial review process. Elias worked with editors to get the story ready for publication, learning a lot along the way about the editing and revising process. She said she was very appreciative for the constructive feedback.

“It was a really great feeling to see it all come together,” she said.

This year, she is continuing to work with the great pond snail, but has shifted her focus. Her new research question is, “Can Green Tea Extend the Memory for Extinction Training in the Great Pond Snail?” Noting that the great pond snail is the “perfect model organism,” she hopes to be able to use her research and make it relevant to humans, specifically those dealing with PTSD.

Because of the hybrid schedule, Elias conducts most of her lab work at home. In school, she does her research and data analysis, and also gets feedback from the science research teachers, Janine Cupo and Mary Simons.

“I don’t think I would have had any of my success in this program if I didn’t have their constant help,” she said of Cupo, Simons and Kurtz. “They’re constantly pushing me and I appreciate that.”

Madison said she plans to enter this year’s research project into the Long Island Science and Engineering Fair as well as next year’s Regeneron Science Talent Search competition.

Provided by the Seaford School District. Compiled by Brian Stieglitz.