North Bellmore graduates are off to middle school


The sixth graders comprising the North Bellmore School District’s graduating Class of 2024 put on their gowns and crossed the stage at five commencement ceremonies on June 24 and 25. After seven years of elementary education, they now head to middle school where they will have more choices, more responsibility and a chance to make many new friends.

John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School Principal Danica Brugge related the district’s mission to inspire confident, passionate learners with the courage and skills to lead their lives with integrity to this year’s graduates.

“I realized that I see those qualities shining brightly among our graduating sixth graders,” she said. “Each of you has grown not only in knowledge but also in character, embodying integrity and compassion — the very values that will guide you in your journey ahead.”

Saw Mill Road Elementary School boasted the largest group of graduates in the district with more than 100 students. Principal Jeffrey Rosof said Saw Mill was a place that they came to every day to learn, grow and hopefully have some fun. He asked them to rely on their foundation from elementary school and their families to continue to grow intellectually and socially.

“Each graduate has traveled a path to get to this moment and many people were involved in this journey,” he said.

Five student speakers focused on each of the five traits of a Saw Mill student — cooperation, creativity, curiosity, friendship and perseverance.

Martin Avenue Elementary School Principal Michael Yannucci spoke about one of North Bellmore’s core values, “There is no limit to human potential.” He reminded students that they each have unique talents, dreams and abilities that are waiting to be discovered and nurtured.

“Believe in yourself and your capacity to achieve incredible things is endless,” he said.

“Embrace challenges as opportunities to grow, learn from setbacks and keep striving towards your goals with determination and resilience. Your potential is limitless.”

At Newbridge Road Elementary School’s graduation, student speakers reflected on memories from kindergarten through sixth grade. There was also a musical performance of “I Will Remember You.” Principal Amanda Licci centered on the “Newbridge has HEART” motto in her address to graduates.

“Heart is more than just a symbol; it is the essence of who we are and how we approach the world,” she said. “It embodies the qualities of honesty, empathy, acceptance, respect and teamwork — values that you have embodied and exemplified during your journey through Newbridge Road Elementary School.”

Park Avenue Elementary School’s 41 graduates were celebrated for their achievements at a ceremony that included student reflections, a performance of the Bill Withers song “Lean on Me,” presentation of diplomas and turning of tassels. Superintendent Marie Testa noted how lucky students were to attend a “treasure of a school located in a beautiful, tight-knit neighborhood.”

“The education at Park Avenue has provided the graduates with a solid foundation of skills that will allow then to succeed in school and in life,” Testa said.

Board of Education President Christine Malloy, who spoke at the Saw Mill Road graduation, said students are leaving elementary school well prepared academically and as citizens. In middle school and beyond, she reminded them to be the example of good character.

“Most importantly,” Malloy told the graduates, “don’t be afraid to be you and shine in all you do.”