District celebrates its wonderful firsts


Glen Cove High School Principal Allen Hudson recently captivated the attention of the Board of Education with a dynamic slideshow presentation titled “Wonderful Firsts.” During the presentation, he showcased a series of innovative programs and initiatives that the school has implemented for the first time. The slideshow served as a testament to the school’s commitment to pushing boundaries and embracing new educational opportunities. With a focus on progress and advancement, the presentation underscored Glen Cove High School’s dedication to excellence and its role as a leader in educational innovation.
The school welcomed a new dean of students, Scott Johnson. He has developed a system to identify truant students by increasing his presence in the hallways and conducting home visits. He has introduced new attendance and safety procedures, such as supervising the Alternative Learning Center and implementing a digital attendance form for teachers to alert him of attendance issues. Collaborating with school administrators, he installed alert systems on kiosk machines to track students upon entering the building.
“it’s another way in which we’re trying to make sure students don’t fall between the cracks,” Hudson explained. “He quickly figured out there’s a way to put an alert on the students. I have to say they hate it, but it works for us because as they walk in, if it’s a particular student we need to find there’s an alert that goes off. It is sometimes a bit annoying, but it does say something to the effect of report to the main office or report to the dean’s office.”
The school has also launched a new ninth-grade alternative credit recovery program, led by Maria Rihanna, district superintendent, and Alexa Doeschner., staffed with four teachers. The program aims to support freshmen who need extra assistance. Currently 86 students are benefiting from it. Students attending the program receive instruction from dedicated teachers, and success in the program can exempt students from attending summer school, serving as a positive incentive for participation.
Many of the wonderful firsts highlighted wouldn’t be possible without last year’s bond, including the installation of smart lockers at the high school. The district is the second to receive the new technology on Long Island. Four hundred and sixty nine students are currently utilizing the digital lockers, marking a significant increase from previous usage. Hudson noted the appeal of the new lockers lies in its novelty, convenience, and digital features. Notably, the lockers accommodate larger book bags, adding to their practicality. Overall, the transition to digital lockers has been smooth and well-received.

Hudson also highlighted a cohort of impressive students, including Jabier Granados, Claudia Sarria, and Narson Senat who recently showcased their leadership prowess at the Puerto Rican Hispanic Youth Leadership Conference in Albany, honing advocacy and leadership skills. The seniors received scholarships for attending the conference.
Philip Dilgard-Clark, Thomas Potter and Michael Renga are stepping up to the challenge in the American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program. The students will be showcasing their expertise on the United States Constitution and the responsibilities of citizenship on Dec. 18 at the American Legion Post 44 in Malverne.
Lola Milanese has secured an internship with the prestigious Dolan DNA Learning Center at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory where she is responsible for conducting laboratory preparation work for educational programs held at DNALC sites. This includes maintaining classroom cleanliness and arranging equipment setups to facilitate smooth operations during the programs. Her internship provides valuable hands-on experience in the field of biology and education, contributing to her growth and development as a student and future professional.
“Our students are not just performing well here at the schools,” Hudson said. “They’re actually doing internships and doing well outside of the bubble to advance themselves.”