Election coverage

Lenahan fundraising event raises $25,000


A day after announcing his run for East Rockaway mayor, Trustee Francis T. Lenahan, Jr. raised more than $25,000 at a campaign fundraiser at Rocco’s Catering on Main Street last week.

According to Lenahan, more than 250 people attended the two-hour event, which included local business owners, volunteer firemen, ex-chiefs, members of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars, as well as a myriad of elected officials and supporters.

“I’m proud to be joined by my family, neighbors, and friends as we start taking back our village,” said Lenahan. “As mayor, I will implement an immediate review of all village expenses, focusing on current salaries and their associated pension costs. After all, this is all your money, not the village’s. I will give back monies saved to every homeowner in the form of a tax cut.”

“Fran Lenahan knows what’s right,” said Trustee Bruno Romano. “Fran had the fortitude to stand up for our neighbors when an ill-conceived plan to build a high-rise apartment complex on Ocean Avenue — which could have shut down Pathmark, the only supermarket in town —was almost rammed down our throats. I know Fran will continue standing up for us as mayor and take East Rockaway into the future.”

“We are more than pleased with tonight’s early fundraising success,” said Village Pride Party Vice President Stan Lombardo. “It’s an indicator that our neighbors and friends overwhelmingly support Fran’s bid for mayor and will choose to create a better future for East Rockaway and its working families with his election.”