
Lynbrook kindergartners explore their roots


Students at the Lynbrook Kindergarten Center shared a taste of the many cultures that make up the rich heritage of their community at their school’s annual Multicultural Festival. The festivities began with a colorful Parade of Flags, with many children wearing tradition costumes from their family’s country of origin. They sang a song that said “hello” in many languages, and then settled down to watch a show that included Irish bagpipe player John Keleher and Middle Eastern belly dancer Sarah Hersan. Students from the Lynbrook High School ESL program then joined them to perform native dances from India and Latin America.

After the performances, the kindergarteners visited the gymnasium to view a collection of artifacts from around the world and sample a cornucopia of international foods supplied by their parents. As a special remembrance of the day, each student received a “passport” which they filled with stickers of international flags.

The Multicultural Festival was organized by Kindergarten Center teachers Bonnie Shapiro, Ellen Shapiro, and Michelle Alberry, along with ESL teachers Madelyn Torres and Cristina Javett.