School news

Lynbrook students ‘Gatorade Brigade’ supports troops

High School Football program and Facing History and Ourselves Club teamed up to send supplies to Afghanistan.


The Lynbrook High School Football program and the Facing History and Ourselves Club teamed up to organize a community campaign to collect baby wipes and powdered Gatorade--two commodities that are in short supply for our troops serving in Afghanistan.

“We came up with the idea after my brother Patrick was deployed on his first tour of duty in Afghanistan with the 101st Airborne Division this past June,” said Facing History and Ourselves Club Advisor Laura Devine. “He mentioned to me how useful these items would be to him and his fellow soldiers, since they are stationed at a remote base with no running water. When I explained his situation to our club members, they took off with the idea, enlisting the aid of the football team to make this a real community effort.”

Students spread the word by asking spectators at home football games to contribute these items, along with donations to pay for shipping. The entire student body at the high school also signed a giant banner to send to the troops.

When they heard about the campaign, the Waverly Park, West End and Marion Street student councils decided to join this noble effort by organizing collection drives in their own schools. To further aid troop morale, students at all three schools will also be writing holiday letters to Devine and his fellow soldiers.

Anyone wishing to make a cash contribution to defray the cost of shipping supplies to the troops may contact Laura Devine at