School news

Lynbrook students up to the challenge


Students and teachers at Lynbrook High School participated in the school’s second annual Challenge Day, a program that aims to inspire participants to celebrate diversity, truth and full-expression.

With the motto "Be the Change," this national program encourages students to take the lessons they learn in a full-day workshop, and put them to use to put an end to bullying, violence and other forms of oppression in their school. During the course of the workshop sessions, students and teachers participated in exercises designed to bring out the "little kid" in all of them, break down social barriers and "get serious" about trying to understand and respect one another as unique individuals.

"Today you get to choose what kind of a day you want to have," a Challenge Day facilitator explained at the beginning of each workshop. "You can choose to sit back and just watch, or you can get real. What you get out of this day depends on what you choose to put into it."

the facilitators encouraged students to explain how they would like to be treated during the course of the day. One by one, members responded that they would like to be treated with respect, honesty, compassion, trust and kindness. These five words framed the ideals that will guide them through their shared experience.

Participants learned to practice simple but effective validations that begin with phrases such as "Thank you for," "I like it when," "You seem like," and “I appreciate it when." They also took part in exercises that helped them learn to practice the Challenge Day norms: be inclusive; no putdowns or teasing; encourage others with compliments and love; listen with your ears and heart; be open-minded; get real; and be the change you wish to see in the world.

The students and teachers who completed the workshops later assembled into Change Teams. These teams will continue to meet throughout the year to promote the Challenge Day ideals in their schools.