
Meet the East Rockaway library board

Reorganization, new appointment, new president


For the first time in about a dozen years, the East Rockaway Library has a new president of its board of directors. Barbara Humes, who former held the vice president seat, was nominated president at the library’s reorganization meeting on Feb. 16.

Ken Pacheco, who has served on the board since 1992, was not re-appointed by the village.

“East Rockaway should have a library board that shares the village board’s fiscally conservative philosophy,” said Lenahan. “While Mr. Pacheco’s past service is appreciated, I look forward to working with Mr. Mollo who is more in tune with my administration’s cost-saving agenda.” Craig Mollo was sworn in at the regular village board meeting on Feb. 13. Gaffney has been on the board for 10 months.

“I’m glad I was part of it,” said Pacheco. “I’m happy I served with such a dedicated staff. The library went from a small building to being on the cutting edge. I’m very proud of everyone there.”

The next library meeting will be held on Mar. 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the library’s board room.