
Olympic spirit shines on Long Island


With the eyes of the world focused on Paris for the Summer Olympics, Long Islanders have special reasons to feel connected to the global spectacle unfolding across the Atlantic. Our very own Crystal Dunn, from Rockville Centre, is once again representing the United States in women’s soccer, while Wantagh’s Andrew Capobianco is competing in diving. These hometown heroes remind us that Olympic dreams can indeed be born and nurtured in our local communities.

Dunn’s journey from Nassau County fields to international stardom, and Capobianco’s path from Long Island pools to the Olympic springboards embody the Olympic spirit of perseverance, excellence and community support. Their success stories aren’t just about individual achievement; they’re a testament to the robust youth sports programs, dedicated coaches and supportive families that form the backbone of Long Island’s athletic culture.

As we cheer for Dunn, Capobianco and Team USA, we’re reminded of the countless young athletes in our own backyards who harbor similar aspirations. From the soccer pitches of Eisenhower Park to the diving boards of the Nassau County Aquatic Center, Olympic potential is being cultivated daily across the Island.

But the Olympics offer us more than just athletic inspiration. They provide a moment for global unity, a rare opportunity when the world sets aside its differences to celebrate human achievement. In these divisive times, such moments of collective joy and shared purpose are more valuable than ever.

On Long Island, we can take a cue from this Olympic spirit. Our communities, diverse in culture, ethnicity and economic background, can find common ground in supporting local sports and celebrating shared achievements. Whether it’s a high school championship game or a community swim meet, these events have the power to bring us together, fostering a sense of local pride and unity.

Moreover, the Olympics remind us of the importance of investing in our youth and their dreams. Long Island has a proud tradition of producing world-class athletes in a variety of sports. From Jim Brown in football to Sue Bird in basketball, our local heroes have shown that with proper support and resources, the path from local fields and pools to international arenas is possible.

This Olympic season, let’s recommit to supporting our local sports programs and recreational facilities. Let’s ensure that every child, regardless of their background, has access to quality coaching, safe playing fields, well-maintained pools, and the opportunity to pursue their athletic passion. This isn’t just about creating future Olympians; it’s about building healthier, more connected communities.

The Olympic motto — “Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together” — can serve as an inspiration beyond sports. In our local governance, business practices and community initiatives, we can strive to be more efficient, aim for higher goals, build stronger bonds, and do it all collaboratively.

As we watch the Olympics unfold, let’s use this opportunity to reflect on our own community. How can we embody the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect in our daily lives? How can we support the Crystal Dunns and Andrew Capobiancos of tomorrow who are practicing in our local parks and pools today?

Let’s also remember that not every young athlete will make it to the Olympics, and that’s OK. The real value of sports lies not in the medals won, but in the life lessons learned: teamwork, discipline, resilience and the pursuit of personal bests. These are qualities that serve us well in all aspects of life, from the classroom to the boardroom.

In the spirit of the games, let’s challenge ourselves to go beyond being spectators. Volunteer at a local youth sports league, mentor a young athlete or simply show up to cheer at a high school game or swim meet. These small actions can have a profound impact on young people’s life and contribute to the vitality of our communities.

As Crystal Dunn takes the field and Andrew Capobianco climbs to the springboard in Paris, they carry with them not just the hopes of a nation, but also the pride of Long Island. Their journeys from local fields and pools to the world stage are reminders of the potential that exists in every corner of our community.

Let the Olympic flame ignite a renewed sense of community spirit here on the Island. Together we can create an environment where every child feels supported in pursuing their dreams, athletic or otherwise. In doing so, we’ll be building a stronger, more united community — one that truly embodies the Olympic ideal.