That’s The Way Things Are

Hi, I'm Mitch


Hi, I’m Mitch and I’m... Oh, no, wait, that makes me sound like an alcoholic.

Let’s try this again …. Hey, I’m Mitch, what’s up? How are you? No, that’s no good either, it sounds like I’m trying to pick you up.

OK, third time’s the charm. Here’s the deal… I’m Mitch, a 27-year-old guy who’s lived on Long Island virtually my entire life. I went to Hewlett High School, graduated from Muhlenberg College in 2005, and have been working in television and media since. Pretty basic, right?

Life has changed quite a bit over the last several years in this new world in which we live, and it can be difficult and interesting to navigate a lot of the time. From the awful economy to dating and relationships, even to pop culture and beyond, there’s quite a bit going on. Some of it good, some of it bad, and some of it, well… sometimes it’s in the eye of the beholder.

For better or worse — and I’ll admit that from time to time, it can be worse — I have thoughts and opinions about most of the things I experience and encounter. Whether it makes me laugh, makes me think, makes me happy or, certainly at times, just pisses me off (pardonnez moi), I usually have something to say about things.

That’s why I’m here. Well, not here. But, here, online, writing this column... You know what I mean.

I’m here to give you a little bit of insight into what it is like for a typical Nassau County 27 year old to live in this ever more complex world (and, dare I say, the daily struggle for survival that many of us face of late). Each week, I’ll share my thoughts on something that I’ve experienced or seen or heard, and that evoked a response from me, of whatever sort.

It’s my goal and my intention, going into this new journey, to be completely honest with you about whatever it is I think on any given topic.

Uh oh, he’s gonna be honest with us. That could cause some issues.

Absolutely, you’re right. It definitely could, and probably will. People have different opinions about things, and, inherently, that can cause conflict at times. And I have a tendency to be pretty direct (but tactfully, don’t worry) and I have been told (and I agree) that I have pretty high standards for, well, pretty much everything.

With that said, I hope you’ll agree with me more than disagree, but I’m a realist, so I know it’ll probably end up being a bit more of a half-and-half split. I’m sure that many of you will disagree with me at times, and at times maybe even want to tell me what to do with it (although I hope not).

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