Martial arts classes continue online in Franklin Square


Learning hasn’t stopped for the students of Silbers Martial Arts Studio in Franklin Square, as they are able to log into Zoom every night for classes with other students in their age group and belt level.

The studio has had a virtual academy for the past two years, according to owner Joe Silbers, in which an instructor would send students pre-recorded lessons that they could complete at their convenience, and send back to their instructor for feedback. But about a month ago, he said, the studio upgraded its system to enable classes on Zoom, a video-conferencing software that the staff had previously used to hold virtual meetings.

“The students love the interactivity of the live classes,” Silbers said of the new group classes, “and they get to see their friends.”

They also enjoy the daily challenges that the studio posts on its community Facebook page every day, he noted and “are having a blast” with theme days, such as ‘Halloween in Quarantine,’ ‘Pajama Class’ and ‘Disney Day.”

But there have been some problems with teaching martial arts remotely, Silbers said. The technology is not always reliable, the students are more distracted at home than they are in the dojo and the instructors are unable to physically help a student with their posture and technique.

Fortunately, though, Silbers said, “We have found ways around some of this,” as parents are becoming more involved in their student’s classes. 

And those parents seem to be grateful for the online courses, he noted, “as we’ve been able to provide a sense of normalcy during this difficult time.”