Summerfest at One Church Elmont gives away 250 backpacks


Families were welcome at One Church Elmont to grab a free backpack and have some family fun as the summer comes to a close.

The act of kindness for the community at the event, as described by Pastor Cecil Matthew, aimed to help young people and families in need. With school starting and the stress of back-to-school shopping looming over parents’ heads, the church wanted to take a bit of that anxiety away.

The church had 250 bags stuffed with school supplies aimed toward elementary-aged students and collected the materials over several weeks.

“We know the school year is close to starting and a simple ask for school is a backpack full of supplies so parents don’t have to worry about that,” Pastor Georgy Varughese said.

The event took place on Aug. 26 in the church parking lot on Meacham Avenue. It wasn’t just a place to collect a bag for school, as the house of worship held activities for family fun at the event. Activities included a bounce house, dunk tank, face painting and live music.

People were also welcome to enjoy a classic car show in the parking lot. Healthcare professionals provided health and vision screenings were provided at the event as well.