A musical and spiritual journey

Neil Vineberg fulfills dream with first CD


In what could be called his own “long, strange trip,” North Woodmere native Neil Vineberg, 57, a musical prodigy, who had left the industry, has returned to his roots with a self-financed CD.

The 12-song disc, “Sacred Love: Feel the Journey,” is Vineberg’s musical ode to his spiritual beliefs of living life with love to help lessen the misunderstandings that occur between people of different cultures and religions.

Lloyd Barde, music editor of Common Ground Magazine wrote in a review. “The songs transport me to places I have only dreamed of — this tuneful journey has left me spellbound.”

Despite a huge amount of success, Vineberg left the fast-paced rock-n-roll life and turned to life teachings of guru and mystic Sri Chinmoy. Taking the spiritual name Shambhu — meaning “source of happiness” in Sanskrit — Vineberg found it difficult to shed his original lifestyle.

“Sex, drugs, rock and roll, those are the three things the guru doesn’t want you doing,” said Vineberg, whose career ranged from television with Soupy Sales to performing with Carlos Santana and John McLaughlin, along with studio work and movie scores.

“It was very hard, a constant conflict, so intense. I found the best way to ensure I would give it up was to sell my instruments,” Vineberg added.

Though he sold his musical instruments, the intensity and focus Vineberg mustered at a young age to learn guitar and play in bands since he was 10-years-old, was transferred to his entrée into public relations, where not only did he spread Sri Chinmoy’s word, but established the successful New York-based Vineberg Communications that included Fortune 500 clients.

“I was spiritually satisfied, but financially impoverished,” Vineberg said about the time after he left music and before finding public relations.

In between that time, Vineberg launched the not-for-profit international Peace Run in 1987 and through the next 15 years expanded to include five million people in 127 nations. It continues as the “World Harmony Run.”

Through running that global event, Vineberg met many heads of state and worldwide figures such as former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev and Mother Teresa.

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