Calling all Kids: Taste of Lemonade Month in Woodmere


Five Towns children in first to fifth grade are invited to enter a free drawing contest as a sample of the program, “KIDS BE KIDS,” at the Community Enrichment Mini-Center in Woodmere, during Lemonade Month.

  The Lemonade Activity is part of the KIDS BE KIDS program that consists of monthly hands-on and skill building activities for local children. 

Samantha Tuchfeld, a resident of Woodmere who is the founder and director of KIDS BE KIDS, is asking children to enter a drawing into the contest. This picture must be of Liam and his new baby sister Limona, additions to the Lemonade family. 

The child must enter an 8.5 x 11 drawing on white, unlined paper with Liam and Limona on the front, along with his or first name and age. On the back, the child should print his or her first and last name, address, phone number and guardian’s name.

 Submissions should be mailed to the Community Enrichment Center, 1026 Broadway, Woodmere, NY 11598 and postmarked by Aug. 10. 

  All of the entries will be featured on the windows of the Center, and the winners will be announced and receive an award by the beginning of September. For more information, contact Tuchfeld at (516) 837-3339.