District vs. Village over street repair

School sign irritates residents


The Lawrence School District and the Village of Lawrence are at odds over which municipal entity is responsible for repairing the sidewalk on the north side of Rock Hall Road between Lawrence Avenue and Lakeside Drive East.
Village officials contend that since the sidewalk, which needs fixing runs along the Lawrence Middle School property, it’s the district’s responsibility. District officials say that it is village property to fix and if it is school property, the village cannot fine the school district. The district received five summonses totaling $2,000 this past year.
“We believe it is the school district’s responsibility to fix the sidewalk,” said Village Mayor Martin Oliner.
Village Justice Donald Buchalter ruled in favor of the village. The school district is appealing the decision to the state Appellate term in Mineola. Papers will be filed by the Nov. 25 deadline, said Christopher Kirby, who presents the school district.
“Essentially, the district’s position is that the village is responsible for the property and cannot enforce its ordinances against a state entity,” Kirby said.

Too much light
Lawrence residents who live across the street from Lawrence Middle School registered complaints at the village on Oct. 29, about the illumination of the sign the district installed in front of the school on Broadway.
“It feels like we are living in Times Square,” said Chanie Friedman, who added that she is “extremely upset” about the sign’s light reflecting off her home’s windows.
Oliner said that he has called Lawrence Superintendent Gary Schall about the issue. Schall said that the district tries very hard to be a good neighbor. “In immediate response to complaints when the sign was installed we began operating it at 30 percent brightness during the day, 10 percent at night and turn it off at 9:30 p.m.,” he said. “On Friday night the sign is completely turned off at sunset and remains off through Shabbos, in addition to any days of religious observance.