Filling in her career ingredients

Multi-talented Josseline Jimenez dreams of owning a restaurant


Josseline Jimenez, a Lawrence High School senior, has dreams of one day running her own restaurant.

Considered a talented cook by one former teacher, Jimenez placed in the final eight — out of 29 competitors — who competed at the America’s Best High School Chef competition at Monroe College’s Culinary Arts Center in New Rochelle on March 1.

The three top participants won a full academic scholarship of approximately $57,000 to attend the college’s Culinary Arts program, plus attendance in their study abroad program in Italy for a semester. There were two separate competitions: one for culinary and one for pastry. Jimenez competed in the culinary competition.

Jimenez, who never too part in a culinary competition before, said she was competing against other students who went to culinary schools and yet she made it to the finals. “I was definitely nervous the first round for the basic skills but throughout the competition I felt confident with the dishes I was preparing,” Jimenez said. “Competing was a big challenge but I’m glad I got to experience this.” 

Jimenez learned about this competition during a visit to the Monroe College campus for a different event in November. “I went to Monroe College for their Latino Fiesta,” Jimenez said. “That’s where I first learned about the culinary competition for seniors in high school.”

The defining moment when Jimenez thought about pursuing her dreams to own a restaurant and be a chef was when she worked for the Rockaway Country Club the past two summers. “I was working on the hot food line for the restaurant, when they gave me full responsibility,” Jimenez said. “I really enjoyed it.”

Jimenez’s signature dish is skirt steak, with a side of yellow rice and a mashed potato, Jimenez said. “I marinate my skirt steak in a combination of scotch and duck sauce,” Jimenez said. “My family likes my creamed chicken. We’re from Guatemala, where that is a traditional dish. That is their favorite.”

Ruth Cohen, Jimenez’s ninth grade culinary class teacher, notes that her former student is a multi-faceted individual who has instructors pushing her in different directions. “It’s been a ‘tug of war’ with Josseline and her other teachers, as her math teacher believes that, instead of becoming a chef Josseline could be a very successful accountant, Cohen said. “Her art teacher also said to me, I know Josseline loves the culinary field but she would make an outstanding architect. As a young lady who has it all, she learned that lesson from day one in my class, that life is about finding your passion. The ‘tug of war’ story is my favorite.  I have been here for over 30 years and this is a first.”

Anastasia Tzortzatos an ESL teacher and coordinator at Lawrence High School, has known Jimenez since she enrolled in the middle school as a sixth-grader. “She’s a hard-working, really open hearted individual,” said Tzortzatos, about her former student who volunteers to be a translator for PTA meetings. “She loves to help.”

Tzortzatos said that Jimenez is hard on herself, but her food presentation is on point. “The way she presents her dishes is almost like a photograph,” Tzortzatos said.

Though Jimenez was not one of the three winners, Cohen believes that her talent, like cream, will rise to the top. “Stay tuned, you will be hearing more about Josseline,” Cohen said. “I am very confident when I say Josseline is filled with all the ingredients that she needs to fulfill her dream of having her own restaurant.”