Five Towns Letters to the Editor


Appreciates support for ‘Junior’s’ family

To the Editor:
Nearly three months have passed since Inwood firefighter Joseph Sanford Jr. died. The first fundraiser to provide financial support to his family was held on Feb. 28. The Nassau County Police Department and volunteer firefighters from throughout the county hosted a hockey game after the Islanders game.
The Islanders lost their game, the police defeated the firefighters, but the winners were Second Assistant Chief Allen Rizzo and Lt. Phillip Johnson and their small committee from the Inwood Fire Department. They won in many ways — most importantly, seeing Jackie and Janisha Sanford smile and enjoy their evening at this fundraiser.

Kudos go out to Rizzo for organizing the raffles, 50/50 and T-shirt sales, and also to Inwood’s Thomas Scala for being our MVP of the game. Jackie and Janisha were presented with a check from the Nassau County Police Benevolent Association, and then they dropped the puck to open the game in honor of “Junior.” Seeing them around other people, smiling, made me realize this is a means of support as well.
I noticed many firefighters from Hewlett, Woodmere, Valley Stream and other departments in attendance. My sadness was looking for the Inwood community. It saddens me — a person who grew up around the Fire Department — to see how things have changed.
The community has changed, but we can come together and support the family of Joe Sanford. We can come together to support the volunteer fire departments. It would have been even greater if the entire department and community supported this event and supports future events.
Joe Sanford died of injuries suffered while serving the community. Our job as a community is to support and keep the memories alive. I am not the Sanford family’s best friend, but I am someone who believes in supporting those who have suffered a tragic loss, and I will continue to be there at events supporting Jackie and her family in hopes of bringing smiles to their faces.
If anyone wishes to purchase memorial T-shirts, contact Rizzo at the Inwood Fire Department at (516) 239-3057. Anyone wishing to support the Sanford family by giving a hug or by attending the next event is always welcome. The Lynbrook Junior Fire Department is hosting a “Juniors for Junior” breakfast on April 26.
Thanks to Rizzo for a “breath of fresh air” in your leadership and overwhelming dedication to this cause. I hope to see the other members of the department’s leadership at future events and fundraisers.

Sue Perone