Inspiring and creating camaraderie among women

Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project seeks applicants for Israel trips


For almost 10 days last summer, 20 women from Long Island soaked in the sights and sounds of Israel on a nearly all-expense paid vacation to the holy land through the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project (JWRP).

This year, the JWRP is sponsoring trips to Israel on July 9-19 and Dec. 2-12. Since 2009, the Long Island branch of the JWRP has funded (minus airfare) trips to Israel for Jewish women.

The idea for the trip was conceived by Lori Palatnik and an organization of Jewish women known as the Utah 8. The trips began in the summer of 2009 with a few hundred women. Since it started, the program has brought more than 3,000 women to Israel. The trips are free because the women who started the initiative wanted a way to give back to other women and celebrate the many facets of their lives as mothers, leaders, and role models.

For Mandy Breslow, who was on last year’s trip it was an unforgettable experience she described as, “… kind of like lightening in a bottle.”

In the style of “Birthright” trips for Jewish teens, the excursions are secular — intended simply to leave participants feeling revitalized, re-energized and reconnected to their Jewish identities. “It’s fun, it’s exciting, it’s uplifting … it’s laughter and tears. It’s going and growing, it’s now and it’s forever,” said program leader and Lawrence resident Esti Stahler of the nine-day adventure.

The hotels are “first class,” the meals are gourmet, and the sights are one of a kind, program organizers said. The days are filled with intellectual, spiritual, and physical experiences intended to inspire and build camaraderie among the women.

Whether dancing under the stars with a 100 women hand in hand, kayaking down the Jordan River, climbing to the top of Mt. Masada, or visiting the ancient city of Jerusalem, women of all different backgrounds join together to celebrate Israel and to enrich their own living and that of their families. “I just love that this trip brought together people in my community that I would have otherwise not been connected to,” said Wendy Lang of East Rockaway.

The itinerary includes tours throughout, talks and classes by well renowned speakers on the history, culture, and scenery of Israel, all while enjoying an authentic backdrop. Previous talks have included “Testing, one two three — Conquering life’s challen-

ges,” “The Kabbalah [mystery] of you,” and

“Israel — the miracle.”

The trips are for women alone in order to give them a chance to focus on taking care of themselves without the distractions of work and family. Experiencing the outward wonders of Israel, whether traveling through the Tiberias overlooking Lake Kinerat, or floating in the Dead Sea, self-discovery is the intended goal.

“My life is more positive because of all my new friends and what we shared, and continue to share,” Robin Goldstein said.

Applications for the upcoming July and December trips are available online at There are a limited number of openings available for the trip. Prospective travelers are encouraged to apply early and set up an interview as soon as possible.