HAFTR Highlights

Students prep for exams, mark Yom Hashoah


Upon returning to school after a much-needed Passover vacation, Hebrew Academy of the Fives Towns and Rockaway (HAFTR) students are once again busy with schoolwork as they begin their preparation for final exams, SATs/ACTs and AP exams.

Last week included several unique programs in which all students were encouraged to become involved and participate.

Early in the week, the annual College Fair for HAFTR juniors and their parents was held to initiate the college-application process.

Representatives from a wide array of universities attended the program, including Barnard College, Columbia University, New York University, Cooper Union, Baruch College, and Hunter College. Students had the opportunity to ask questions and learn directly from college admissions counselors, and were given the chance to speak with alumni about their specific college or university.

On Wednesday, April 18, HAFTR students attended a meaningful program in honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day, also known as Yom Hashoah. Students watched videos of testimonials of the horrors of the Holocaust. Additionally, students were honored to receive a first hand account and hear from Harry Engelmann, a Holocaust survivor and HAFTR grandparent who was gracious enough to join us at the school. Students and teachers alike were both moved and inspired.  

An assembly was held on April 25 in honor of Israel Memorial Day, or Yom Hazikaron, to commemorate fallen Israeli soldiers who were killed defending the State of Israel. Their willingness to fight for the Jewish homeland at the expense of their own lives qualifies them as true heroes. The following day, students celebrated Israel Independence Day (Yom Ha’Atzmaut) with a festive barbecue.

Recently, a program was initiated at HAFTR High School, known as “Academic Integrity Week,” to facilitate discussion regarding the detrimental effects of cheating.

Throughout the week, faculty members met with students in an effort to discourage cheating in the classroom and prevent it from occurring altogether. Through stories, activities, and discussions, teachers successfully illustrated the consequences of cheating and encouraged their students to make wise decisions when faced with difficult situations.

Though its has been spring for more than a month, it is hard to believe that the school year will officially come to a close in just a few months. Nevertheless, students continue to work hard on all fronts in order to ensure a successful and meaningful end to the school year.