Tweaked Lawrence school budget proposed


Lawrence Superintendent Dr. John Fitzsimons presented a modified 2010/2011 draft budget on March 23 at the Lawrence school board meeting, proposing a 2.6 percent increase from the current year.

The draft budget highlights expenditures at $94.1 million in contrast to the 2.85 percent increase outlined at the February 23 meeting with a $94.3 million budget.

“We did a little further tightening of the belt,” said Fitzsimons. “We crafted a budget, most defensible, hopefully accepted by the voters.”

Despite the $2.4 million increase from the current year’s $91.7 million budget, the school district will still see a reduction of 18.2 professional staff if accepted. Cuts will include two administrative, four elementary classroom teachers, 7.2 subject teachers, and five in pupil personnel services.

The budget is primarily funded by the tax levy, which would increase $1.2 million (4.9 percent) if an expected drop in state aid is not restored. The Lawrence school district is slated to lose $1.2 million under Gov. David Paterson's latest budget proposal.

“If we got that aid back,” said Fitzsimons, “we could lower the tax levy to $77.8 million [a 3.3 percent increase].”

District officials have not yet released the tax rate, which is the increase in homeowner's property-tax bills.

The draft budget is divided into three parts: Eight percent of the proposed budget is dedicated to administrative needs, 9 percent to capital and 83 percent to programs.

Fitzsimons also outlined in the presentation the five-year trends of fluctuation in budget and tax-levy increases. The budget averaged to an increase of 1.29 percent over five years and the tax levy was .74 percent, but did not include if aid is restored.

The goals of the tweaked budget include managing expenses, strengthening resources, and embracing technology.

The annual budget hearing at which a proposal will be officially adopted is scheduled for April 27. The budget vote is scheduled for Tuesday, May 11.

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