Woodmere doctor gets personal in new book


Woodmere Doctor Renata Shiloah took a pause out of her busy schedule to release her new book “It’s Time for a PAUSE.”

Shiloah released her book on Dec. 6 and self-published through her company Nutritionist4u Counseling. The self-help book helps mid-life women fight back against menopause, naturally reduce symptoms, and help women feel like ‘themselves’ again by practicing nutrition, yoga, meditation, and integrative therapies.

“I wrote this book for the midlife woman living the life I did,” Shiloah said.  “I put the information from this book into play in my own life. I wanted to help women relieve the symptoms of menopause using what I practice. I suffered a lot and I think, with this book, I can help midlife women feel better so they don’t have to suffer.

Shiloah, 57, has been in practice for 20 years as a doctor of clinical nutrition and integrative health and she is a registered dietitian. She is also yoga and meditation teacher, and a Reiki practitioner.

Her inspiration to write a book came 20 years ago and she was finally able to find time to begin writing. “I originally wanted to write a nutrition book but as time went on, I got busier,” she said.

At the time Shiloah was an adjunct professor at Lehman College and the director of clinical nutrition and outpatient network of clinics. She has her own virtual private practice and works in an outpatient community-based clinic on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Most of her patients are ages 45 to 60 and have similar problems to those Shiloah addresses in her book.

When the Covid pandemic hit Shiloah was commuting less so she decided that she would focus on writing her self-help book. “It’s not just about writing a book, but it’s to help women like myself so that they don’t have to go through everything I did,” she said.

Shiloah is married to her husband Eli and has five kids, a daughter, 38, and four sons ages 37, 28, 25, and 22. Although she has a big family, Shiloah says that she didn’t tell anybody about her battles with menopause, which is a common trend among women dealing with the issue.

“My mother passed away and I came to the United States when I was four from Prague, and I didn’t really have any family,” she said. I made my own family with my kids but I went through everything myself. A lot of women suffer in silence. Some are embarrassed and don’t know what to do because all of a sudden, one day you’re not yourself anymore.”

Shiloah’s book contains the story of how she grew up and the menopause symptoms that she went through as well as stories from her patients as well as the triumphs that they earned through their battles with menopause. The book also contains advice on dieting and recipes and tips on journaling.  Other medical professionals have also recommended her book.

“Dr. Renata’s book should be read by all midlife women, from when the first symptoms of menopause appear, to when they end, and beyond,” said Maria Briones, the medical director at Briones Weight Loss Clinic in Mount Kisco. “I will recommend this book to all my patients.”

Shiloah continued about the impact of her book. “I think if somebody reads my book and really goes through it step by step, they can really get relief and feel like they’re not alone,” she said. It’s really to help women feel better know that they’re not alone.” 

Shiloah’s website is nutriotnist4u.com and her book, “It’s Time for a PAUSE,” can be found on Amazon.