A permanent keepsake I read Mary Malloy’s “Pretty in ink” column, in the Dec. 18-24, issue, with unbelievable excitement since I, a mother of two beautiful daughters and seven …
To the Editor: I just read the article “Hundreds of Long Beach Homes Need to be Rebuilt” (March28-April 3) regarding people raising their homes. The article fails to address one key …
On behalf of the officers and Board of Directors of the Mill Brook Civic Association, I want to commend Sanitary District No. 1 and its leaders, Irv Kaminitsky and George Pappas, on a job well done after Sandy.
The Gibson section of Valley Stream passed the recent 1-percent-chance-in-100-years test with Hurricane “Frankenstorm” Sandy and the nor’easter with no flooding and no property damage to my Gibson Boulevard home.