Sara Bonifacio is sailing into a new role as head instructor at Sagamore Junior Sailing


The Sagamore Yacht Club has announced Sara Bonifacio as the new head instructor for its Sagamore Junior Sailing program. Bonifacio, a lifelong resident of Oyster Bay and a rising junior at Clemson University, brings a wealth of experience and passion to her new role, which promises to invigorate the club’s youth sailing initiatives.

Christine Brigg, the program’s director and Bonifacio’s aunt, highlighted Bonifacio’s longstanding connection with the sport and her impressive background.

“Sara has been with us for four years as an instructor, and she grew up sailing in this community,” Brigg said. “Her dedication and skill make her the perfect fit for this position.”

Bonifacio’s sailing journey began at a young age. She began sailing as a six-year-old at the Waterfront Center, although initially, sailing was not Bonifacio’s passion.

“Honestly, I hated it at first,” she admitted. “My dad encouraged me to stick with it, and eventually, I started enjoying it, especially after moving to Sagamore where the atmosphere was more relaxed and fun.”

Her perseverance paid off as she transitioned to competitive racing at Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club’s Junior Sailing Program. Despite initial struggles, eventually her determination led to success.

“I was always in last place, not doing well in regattas, but with time and practice, I started winning and building my confidence,” she said. “Sailing has truly become my passion. It’s something that makes me feel free and connected to nature.”

Bonifacio’s experience as an instructor began at Sagamore four years ago when she was looking for a summer job that would keep her on the water. Her dedication to the sport and her ability to connect with young sailors quickly became evident.

“Sara is wonderful with the children. She’s caring, kind, and hands-on,” Brigg said. “Her ability to make kids feel comfortable and confident on the water is one of the many reasons she was chosen as head instructor.”

In her new role, Bonifacio will oversee a team of seven instructors and manage a fleet of various boats, including Optis, Fevas, 420s, and lasers. She is certified as a US Sailing Level 1 Instructor and in first aid, with additional certifications, like Automated External Defribillator, in progress.

The Sagamore Junior Sailing program serves young sailors aged eight to eighteen, focusing on building skills, confidence, and a love for the sport. According to Brigg, the program seeks to balance teaching sailing skills with an appreciation for the beauty of nature and being on the water.

“We try to provide a warm, relaxed, and friendly environment where the kids can enjoy sailing and make lasting friendships,” Brigg explained.

Bonifacio expressed enthusiasm about the opportunities her new role presents. At the same time however, she admitted that it was a little daunting to be in charge of her fellow instructors for the first time.

“It’s a bit intimidating being in charge of a team, especially since some of the instructors are close to my age, but I’m excited,” she said. “I want to give the kids the same experience I had—teaching them independence, building their confidence, and helping them make long-lasting friendships.”

Under Bonifacio’s leadership, the program is set to continue its tradition of excellence while fostering a new generation of passionate sailors. She went on to say that she was “really excited about the upcoming sailing season,” and especially excited to get to pass on her love of sailing to the next generation.

“I can’t wait to pass down my experience and love for sailing to these kids,” she said. “Seeing them enjoy the water and improve their skills is just incredibly rewarding.”