Seaford schools welcome new leaders


The Seaford School District will see administrator changes this month.

Later this month, Seaford High School’s Assistant Principal Jennifer Bisulca will take on the assistant principal position at Seaford Middle School. Former Bethpage School District educator, Anthony Murray, will take over Bisulca’s position as assistant principal of Seaford High School beginning March 7.

Bisulca has taken on many responsibilities during her five years as assistant principal at the high school. She’s overseen the English, science, social studies, technology and world language departments, as well as focused on the school’s wellness program. This includes the creation of a student wellness center and the development of the district’s partnership with the Seaford Wellness Council.

In her new role, Bisulca will work closely with Principal Dan Smith to prepare teachers, staff and faculty. “I can work with students to prepare them for the next step and make that transition really smooth,” Bisulca said in a press release. “I’m looking forward to getting to know more students and families in the Seaford community.”

Before coming to Seaford, Bisulca was an English teacher and chairwoman at the secondary level in Amityville. She holds her bachelor’s degree in English and secondary education from Hofstra University, a master’s degree in literacy from Dowling College and a building leadership certificate from the College of St. Rose.

Seaford District Superintendent Adele Pecora called Bisulca is an “exceptional and visible leader” who is an advocate for students and has strong knowledge of all content areas.

For Murray, education is a second career. He worked in finance for 15 years and was a vice president with Goldman Sachs as recently as 2016. He later earned his teaching degree and became a business educator at Bethpage High School, where he introduced several new courses in business management, finance and investing. Murray also was the drama club advisor, and recently directed “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

Murray holds a bachelor’s degree in finance from Boston College, a master’s degree in education from St. John’s University, a school building leadership certificate from Molloy College and a school district leadership certificate from St. Joseph’s College.

Murray said in a press release that he is excited to join the high school administrative team with Principal Nicole Schnabel and fellow Assistant Principal Dr. Raphi Morey. He was particularly interested in coming to Seaford, he explained, because of the close connection between the schools and the community.