Students get inventive at Levittown summer camps


Teamwork and creative thinking were the themes for students from across the Levittown School District as they enjoyed a wide range of activities at Camp Invention and STEM Camp held at Wisdom Lane Middle School.

At Camp Invention, third, fourth and fifth graders let their imaginations guide them as they completed tasks that required engineering-based solutions. For the “In the Game” activity, students used a variety of recycled materials to create a game that challenges players to roll a ball into goals with different point values. Additionally, they utilized paint markers and pieces of colored plastic to make lightboxes with functional LED lights, makeshift bubble-blowers to blow bubbles and craft toolboxes containing various homemade tools.

STEM Camp took over the hallway for a series of races between teams’ robots. Partners worked together to develop code and build robots for racing to the finish line. They were also challenged to complete different tasks, such as picking up and stacking blocks. In another way, students used their STEM skills to inflate a balloon attached to a smaller four-wheeled vehicle, letting the release of air launch their creation forward.

Campers wrapped up the two weeks of fun with outdoor obstacle rings, assisted by older peer volunteers. The water-themed obstacles kept students cool in the summer sun.