Uniondale students receive free school supplies

The youth organization My Brother’s Keeper spent last Saturday morning handing out backpacks filled with school supplies to children throughout Uniondale. “We just want to get the …

Uniondale Little Leaguers join Ducks on baseball field

The Uniondale All Stars Little League got a taste of the big leagues last week, hanging out on a professional baseball field with the players for the Long Island Ducks before the Aug. 18 game.

Inaugural Feast Fest at Cradle of Aviation

Local residents gathered at the Cradle of Aviation on Saturday for Nassau County’s first Feast Fest, where they enjoyed food from 20 food trucks and shopping among 60 vendors.

Hempstead village awarded $3 million for redevelopment of vacant site

The Village of Hempstead was awarded $3 million for a redevelopment project in downtown Hempstead.

Andres Ortiz, aspiring journalist from Elmont tells stories visually

Andres Ortiz, an Elmont rising sophomore, found himself stuck in fourth grade having to create a project on the Boston Tea Party in 1773, when the Sons of Liberty dumped East India Company tea into Boston Harbor as a tax protest.


Freshman Parenting 101: the college send-off

As summer winds down, many Long Island families face a bittersweet milestone: sending a child off to college for the first time. This transition marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, filled with excitement, anxiety and a mix of emotions for both parents and students.


Vance needs to get his immigrant story straight

The Republican nominee for vice president, J.D. Vance, recently claimed that waves of Italian, Irish and German immigrants in the 19th century created “ethnic enclaves” and “inter-ethnic conflicts.”


Congestion pricing may again haunt motorists

Like the Ghost of Christmas Past, or Lazarus rising from the dead, congestion pricing, sidelined earlier this year by Gov. Kathy Hochul, is due to rear its ugly head sometime later this year. The question is, what form will it take, and will it be any better than the past version?


A better idea than the original congestion pricing plan

Yes, I think we can all agree that New York City’s roads are too crowded, the air is too polluted, and a lot of money is needed to improve mass transit, but the plan to charge commuters $15 to enter Manhattan — on top of the tolls they’re already paying — that was recently put on hold by Gov. Kathy Hochul isn’t the way to go.