Uniondale celebrates its diverse Haitian heritage


With so much political turmoil taking place in Haiti, the Uniondale school district joined forces with the Uniondale Public Library and La Solidarite Haitiano-Americaine de Long Island to celebrate Haitian heritage at Cornelius Court School.

The event drew a diverse crowd eager to participate in rich cultural festivities.

“This event showcases Uniondale’s commitment to recognizing and celebrating the diverse cultures within our community,” Estrella Olivares-Orellana, the multilingual learners director for Uniondale schools, said in a release. “Initiatives like these are vital in fostering an inclusive environment where all cultures are acknowledged and shared.”
The celebration featured activities highlighting the beauty and richness of Haitian culture.

Attendees were treated to captivating dance performances as well as an art exhibit showcasing the work of talented Haitian artists.

Additionally, children enjoyed a flag-making workshop, where they learned about the symbolism of the Haitian flag while creating their own colorful versions.

The cozy Literature Corner — with readings of bilingual books — offered an experience for those looking to immerse themselves in Haitian literature.

Vendors providing health screenings, insurance information and valuable resources from the Uniondale Public Library and Harmony added an important community service aspect to the event.

The day was filled with learning, entertainment, and a strong sense of community spirit. Attendees, according to the organizers, left with a deeper appreciation for Haitian heritage and the contributions of the Haitian-American community.