Valley Stream Obituary

Gloria Hindin Shapiro Oppenheimer, pioneering Green Acres realtor, dies at 95

The Green Acres and greater Valley Stream community is grieving the loss of Gloria Hindin Shapiro Oppenheimer, a long-time resident and pioneering Realtor who left a lasting impact on her …

Valley Stream Crime

Valley Stream man arrested after squabble at NYU Langone Hospital Long Island

A Valley Stream man was arrested after a violent confrontation with police at NYU Langone Hospital Long Island in Mineola on July 29, according to the Nassau County police. Police officers were …


Island vibes and big prizes at Franklin Square luau bingo night

Neighbors got their luau on at the Rescuing Families luau bingo second annual luau bingo night hosted at Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2718 last Friday.

Valley Stream Education News

Valley Stream District 13 Board of Education welcomes new leadership

Valley Stream District 13 held its annual Board of Education reorganization meeting to appoint leadership roles and swear in new trustees, marking a pivotal moment for the district as it prepares for …

Valley Stream Education News

Valley Stream District 24 swears in new Board of Education

The Valley Stream District 24 Board of Education recently held its annual reorganization meeting to swear in its members and welcome the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. Newly elected member Alisa …


Freshman Parenting 101: the college send-off

As summer winds down, many Long Island families face a bittersweet milestone: sending a child off to college for the first time. This transition marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, filled with excitement, anxiety and a mix of emotions for both parents and students.


Rethinking the embarrassing saga of Pete Rose

Taking an evening off from Donald Trump, Kamala Harris and the frenzied world of politics in general, I recently sat down with my 20-year-old grandson Jack, who is staying with us for the summer, to binge-watch the HBO Max four-part special on Pete Rose, “Charlie Hustle.”


Looking for someone to dislike? Try Ted Cruz.

One hundred people serve in the United States Senate. They represent the entire political spectrum, from far left to far right. There are definitely zealots, such as Bernie Sanders, the Democrat from Vermont, and Tom Cotton, the Arkansas Republican, and then there are the middle-of-the-road members, such as Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York, and Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska. Then there is Sen. Ted Cruz, the Texas Republican.


These Olympics, let’s remember to champion all athletes

But for me, the epitome of athleticism didn’t come in the form of an epic home run or, in Brady’s case, so many game-winning touchdowns. For me it was the whoosh of a soccer ball hitting the net at the back of the goal.