East Meadow library offers metal stamping kits to the public


The East Meadow Public Library is now offering metal stamping kits for rent to anyone with a registered library card. The tools could be used to make a number of fun or professional crafts, such as a pendant with a friend’s name, a label for a file cabinet or a dog tag replica.

Library staffer Chrissy Hirsch came up with the idea because of her zeal for crafting and her experience as a jewelry maker. “We’re trying this out and if the public has any other suggestions for other kits, we’d be happy to investigate it with them,” she said.

The kits were made available on Sept. 27 and, by noon, there was already a wait list to take them out. Carol Probeyahn, the library’s director, likened it to maker space and other STEAM programs offered at the library and East Meadow’s schools. “It’s all about exposing people to the different ways they could be creative,” she said.

The kits are available for 14 days and renewable, giving residents more time to use them. To reserve yours today, visit https://tinyurl.com/y7hddt9j.