District 30

Fletcher will not seek re-election


District 30 Board of Education trustee Maria Fletcher announced she will not run for re-election in May. Hers is the lone seat up on the board this year.

At 11 years, she is longest-serving current board member. Fletcher made the announcement at Monday night’s work session. She served as president of the board most recently in the 2007-08 school years.

“Changes go on in life and this is the time to leave,” she said. “This was a tremendous experience for me.”

Board of Education President Ken Cummings thanked Fletcher for her many years of service.

Trustee Cristobal Stewart said the board will make sure she receives a proper send-off closer to the end of her term. He said it has been a pleasure to serve with her for the past two years. “Maria has always given her all to the district,” Stewart said.