Valley Stream Education News

Valley Stream District 24 student leaders test new meal options for next year


Student Council members at all three schools in the Valley Stream 24 School District recently participated in a food tasting event to determine the menu options that will be offered throughout the district next year. This tasting is part of the district’s ongoing efforts to include students in discussions about their menu offerings.

Students had the opportunity to try four different meal options, with the Caprese flatbread and “breakfast during lunch” options being the most favored. These popular choices are now being considered for next year’s menus. After sampling each meal, students submitted their feedback to both the district and Whitsons, the district’s food service provider.

The event included a visit from a representative and chef from Whitsons, who educated students about school food nutritional requirements and the process of curating school meal menus and choices.

“We value our students’ feedback, and the Board of Education and our district are committed to including our students’ voices in shaping our visions and goals for the future,” said Superintendent Unal Karakas. “Our food tasting was one of the many ways in which we aim to foster student dialogue about the decisions impacting their lives every day at school. We thank them for helping us create a customized menu with their input.”