Nassau County communities meet military personnel at Fleet Week


There was no better weekend for Nassau County to celebrate Fleet Week 2024 than Memorial Day weekend. In Eisenhower Park’s Field 2 on May 25, a combined team from the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard brought helicopters to the park. The event featured fast rope demonstrations, performances by the Navy Band Northeast and Navy Ceremonial Guard, military displays and much more.

Warm weather and clear skies made for a perfect day to celebrate the United States’ military organizations. In the U.S., Fleet Week is a Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard tradition in which active military ships recently deployed in overseas operations dock in a variety of major cities for one week.

Events typically include ship tours, military demonstrations, parades and air shows featuring performances by the Blue Angels or other military flight demonstration teams. The purpose of Fleet Week is to celebrate the naval services and to allow the public to interact with and learn more about the military.

The origins of the celebration date back to 1935, when it was first celebrated in San Diego. It’s evolved in many ways over the years, and today it serves multiple purposes including public engagement, because it allows the public to interact with service members; recruitment, because the event showcases the opportunities and experiences available in participating military branches; and community relations, because it strengthens the relationship between the military and local communities.

The event in Eisenhower Park included all the things communities around the country have come to love about Fleet Week events. On a weekend when the U.S. remembers and honors those who’ve died in the line of duty, Nassau County’s Fleet Week activities drew a substantial crowd of residents.