Retired Malverne teacher now an author


Retired Malverne teacher Janet Morgan held a discussion and signing for her recently released book "At the End of the Bus Ride: A Teacher's Tale," at the Lakeview Library on Saturday, Feb. 13.

Morgan, who taught social studies at Malverne High School and the Howard T. Herber Middle School from 1977 to 1996, traveled from her residence in Georgia to visit and discuss her book with former students, neighbors, friends and area residents.

"At the End of the Bus Ride" is an inside view of school desegregation in the districts where Morgan taught for nearly 25 years -- which includes her first teaching job at the William Carr Junior High School in Whitestone, Queens.

In her book, Morgan told the stories of the black students and educators who had to face a new -- and sometimes hostile -- environment when the bus ride came to an end and they arrived at the newly desegregated schools.

Throughout this difficult time, Morgan became a part of the controversy and was suspended from her teaching position. She ended up distinguishing herself as the teacher responsible for the establishment of an Academic Freedom standard for New York State public school teachers.