School News

Scholarship fund salutes five W.H. High School students


    This year, five outstanding West Hempstead High School seniors were selected as winners of $10,000 in scholarships awarded annually by the West Hempstead Community Scholarship Fund.
    “This year’s winners truly reflect the talent and promise nurtured here in the West Hempstead community,” said Fund President Jeanine Kurs as she presented the students and their families with the scholarships at the June 6 awards dinner in Garden City.
    Each student, who was awarded $2,000, was selected after completing an application and undergoing a personal interview in which he or she showed character, the necessity of further education to fulfill potential or the need for financial assistance.
    This year’s outstanding students are Amanda Fox-Rouch, who plans to attend Syracuse University; Melyssa Neumann, who will attend C.W. Post; Mark Chou, who plans to attend Boston College; Dov Levin, who is headed to Yeshiva University; and Marisa Lynn Russo, who going to the State University of New York at Oneonta.
    The Fund has come a long way since its began awarding $250 scholarships in 1969: throughout its 41 years, the nonprofit, New York State-chartered group has awarded a total of $325,000 to 246 students.