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President Donald J. Trump's sweeping tariffs on Canadian imports -- now paused for 30 days -- threaten to deliver a fatal blow to America's already struggling local news industry. more
As the Herald reaches your mailbox, the election results may or may not be fully tallied. Regardless of outcomes, one truth remains constant: Long Island is our shared home, and its future depends far more on what unites us than what divides us. more
Cedarhurst Village Hall was packed with angry people who wanted answers — and information. more
“Our quality of life is under attack,” is a constant refrain from longtime residents of a community whenever change starts — especially when it involves building homes on previously vacant land, or constructing much larger buildings than what exists in a neighborhood already. more
We had never seen a tempest the likes of Hurricane Sandy before, one so mammoth, so fierce, that it wiped out whole shoreline communities while leaving much of the rest of the Northeast in tatters, … more
Hurricane Sandy led to one of Long Island’s worst environmental disasters ever, if not the worst. Sandy’s massive storm surge flooded hundreds of South Shore homes. Fuel oil tanks broke loose and floated away, spilling oil as they went. Cars were flooded as well, which sent a witches’ brew of chemicals spilling out. Sewage leaked from the Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant. more
In the chaotic weeks after Hurricane Sandy rolled across Nassau County, residents, desperate for the gasoline that was in such short supply, learned a new routine: get up before dawn and get to an open gas station before your friends and neighbors did. more
The effort to rebuild our communities after Hurricane Sandy’s devastation has not been without a sense of urgency, especially when it comes to reconstructing homes and critical infrastructure “stronger, smarter and safer.” more
Hurricane Sandy attacked without mercy, leaving more than a million Long Islanders without power and wrecking tens of thousands of homes near the shoreline. Then a second disaster struck. more
The hurricane-force winds and the mountainous storm surge are now just bad memories, but in many areas of the Heralds’ coverage area, Hurricane Sandy’s consequences will live on for weeks, months or years. more
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