Carey High students recognized for embracing education


Students from H. Frank Carey High School were announced as the winners of Assemblyman Ed Ra’s 2024 video challenge last month.

Students were asked to create and submit engaging 60-second YouTube videos on a given topic, which were then posted on Ra’s Facebook page. The video that receieved the most likes within the designated five-day voting period was declared the winner.

The winning video, titled “Embrace Your Education,” was created by Antonio Brugellis, Christopher Dizon, Zaara Khan and Nicole Wood from H. Frank Carey High School.

“In their video, the students highlight the practical applications of high school subjects, emphasizing their importance in everyday life,” Ra said in a news release. “History teaches us to learn from the past, math helps with budgeting and loans, literature encourages empathy and creativity and science aids in making informed decisions about our environment. The students did a great job in promoting the use of education to build a better future.”