Celebrating young adolescents: why it matters and what you can do


 The young adolescent years – those between 10 and 15 – have been called the second most important time in a person’s development. That’s why October has been declared Month of the Young Adolescent, and why everyone in this community should ask, “How can I help a young adolescent reach his or her potential?”

 The National Middle School Association initiated Month of the Adolescent in 1997, and today 41 organizations throughout the United States are involved in supporting its concepts. These groups represent a broad range of people – educators, parents, business leaders, youth service personnel and others. There’s a reason why so many are involved – when young adolescents succeed, communities prosper.

The young adolescent years are a time when youngsters leave childhood and move toward full adolescence. It’s a time when they begin to make decisions that will have an impact on their lives for years to come – decisions about values, attitudes, friends and lifestyles.

It’s also a time of rapid change, both physically and emotionally. Young adolescents are reaching out to “become their own persons,” to achieve independence, to set their own directions. Yet, it’s also a time when they need support from adults who care for them, including parents, family members, educators, bosses, mentors and anyone who comes in contact with them.

All of us in the community can support a young adolescent. Here are some ideas to consider:

Become a mentor to a young adolescent. You might find a 10- to 15-year-old in your neighborhood, your religious affiliation, on a team, or in another group. Be a friend to that youngster – a friend who is always ready to offer sound advice.

 Celebrate successes of young adolescents. It’s easy to find fault when any person is struggling to test new ideas, and it’s easy to point out where he or she is going wrong. But young adolescents are also achieving significant accomplishments in their school and personal lives. Many are involved in outstanding service projects. Find ways to recognize those accomplishments and congratulate them. It’s wise to reinforce behaviors that we would like to see repeated.

 Talk to a young adolescent about the tough times you had when you were his or her age. Many believe they are the first to experience difficulties during this period. Share the challenges you faced and how you overcame them.

Encourage healthy lifestyles. A healthy mind and a healthy body go hand in hand. Model good eating habits and exercise. Encourage young adolescents to join you in healthy activities. Encourage community leaders to assure that young adolescents have the opportunity to participate in recreational leagues, hiking, biking, and other healthy activities.

 Above all, remember how important these years are. Young adolescents need support from all of us, and that support will help them as individuals and our community as a whole.