Oceanside resident finds strength in numbers

Rallies supporters, raises awareness in fight against cancer


When Nanci Cacossa’s doctor told her in April of 2009 that her ovarian cancer was in remission, she was ecstatic.

But then she was re-diagnosed in January of this year, after being in remission for only seven months.

“A surprise to everyone, it came back,” said Cacossa. “And unfortunately, with the reoccurrence, they have to treat it stronger and longer with chemotherapy, which is really hard on the body.”

Going through a three-week cycle of chemotherapy, Cacossa has been up and down. To help her get through the ordeal, she created a group on Facebook called the Circle of Strength. At first, some of Cacossa’s friends joined the group, but then it started to grow on its own, becoming a support group for those battling cancer. It now has over 500 members.

“One of my friends came up to me and said, how would you feel if we did something like a walk?” said Cacossa. “And it was just an idea in February, and since then, the Circle of Strength has turned into a not-for-profit organization.”

And since then, the idea for a walk has become a reality. The Circle of Strength will be holding its first cancer awareness walk and fundraiser on June 6 at Baldwin Park at 11 a.m.

“The concept is to have people come and do a short, non-competitive walk,” said Cacossa. “It’s eight-tenths of a mile around the baseball fields. And then after the walk, we’re going to have a ceremony afterwards and form a circle. And in the circle we’re going to join hands and all raise our hands together, and have a good cry in the name of ovarian cancer awareness.”

After the walk, there will also be a festival, with food and games for kids, and raffles. So far, the Circle of Strength has raised about $3,000, but hopes to bring that total to anywhere between $15,000 and $20,000.

While the Circle of Strength has helped Cacossa, and others, get through her second diagnosis of ovarian cancer in as many years, it’s been her family that has really kept her going.

“My husband, Frank, has been unbelievably supportive and has never let me fall. He is truly my pillar of strength. And I have two great kids, Evan and Brittany, who are also very supportive and loving.

“I’m fighting my fight, but the Circle of Strength makes it so much easier for me to fight the fight,” added Cacossa, “because everyone has been so supportive, but my family has just been unbelievable.”

Comments about this story? ACostello@liherald.com or (516)569-4000 ext. 207.